In France I traveled with a partner. In Italy I met my sister, made friends, and connected with some family. In Holland I collided with a college buddy and in Eastern Europe a friend, made along the way, invited me to share a bit of her world. Therefore I have not yet been a true solo traveler, but I am craving a change. Although it feels like, in this world with 6 billion people, someone is always nearby to cross a lonely path.
I decided at the beginning of the trip I would go without a mobile telephone. Up until Vienna this did not cause me trouble, and it has been inspiring me to live as if in a simpler time. Unfortunately, upon arriving at the Vienna train station my host was nowhere to be found. All payphones in the area were out of order and I had no way of contacting Claudia. After scheming my way into a hotel, free of charge, to use the internet I found directions to her address and started to head toward her home. With feelings of nervousness (I hadn't had to sleep on a park bench yet) and confidence (in my ability to navigate through problematic situations) I moved in the direction of her house. After traveling only 10 meters into my late night adventure (did I mention it was 1:30am in a city I had never been before?) I herd a hiss and a holler of my name. Of course, it was Claudia. After a miss-communication on the meeting location she found me roaming the streets as a vagabond. I guess her impression wasn't to far off since I am traveling aimlessly from place to place carrying everything I have on my back. After that it was smooth sailing and calm seas, with a few squalls here and there of course.
The first thing I did the next day is proof that I am fit for the degree I have recently acquired.
The birth place of Psychoanalysis: The Freud House

I walked through the rooms of his office in the same manner as one walks through a funeral. All people were silent and I felt as if I needed to hide the fact that I was having fun. I saw memorabilia that gave me the impression I was close to Dr. Freud's spirit. As I read the abstract of an article he published I had a realization. The article was in response to a study proving that cocaine was addictive. Sigmund used his personal experience to defend the drug, describe its benefits and to explain it as a substance not causing dependency. To me this seemed faulty and I started to pick up on some of the contradictions all around. For example his atheist believes were surrounded by historical artifacts of ancient gods, and his sexist philosophies were followed by the support of his daughter, Anna, to become the first female Psychologist and extend his own work. Finally, I started to openly enjoy myself, take photos of silly things, and converse in the museum despite the dreary ambiance. It occurred to me that Freud was patriarchal and oppressive, and these energies still floated within the walls of his office creating the suppressed and somber mood.
During my time in Vienna I have found myself somewhat tired and low on energy. I realize I am dealing with a lot of things in my life, besides being a nomad. I am no longer a student and am in the process of forming a new identity as well as dealing with other internal transitions. During times of change my life is full of greater uncertainly. As I work to deal through these things I find myself hopping to and from...
Bratislava, Slovakia
To eat some goulash
To enjoy a weekend the Czech way
All of Vienna
To spend some time with an inspiring Italian girl that a typical American would not normally get the chance to meet
And to find the son of my great-grandmothers baby brother who I call, cousin Herbert
Although my journey could not be going any better, the exciting present does not always work as a remedy for the shifting soul. Critiques of the past and worries of the future present a greater weight for me than my 15 kilo pack. I have met countless unforgettable people in Europe's un-replicable cities, but now I seek isolation. I am in need of some self-revival. I am starving for a greater independent connection to the power of Life, and I can't think of a better place than this olive farm in Turkey to do it!